
giiverson 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


To popularize the fan page and add some "fun elements" into the game, therefore the "Trial" Draft will be held in this season. I hope everybody who fits the following statements to participate and please "like" the post so that I can make a preliminary estimate of number of players who will attend. By the way, this event is "Non-official" event. If you have any problems, please reply in this post or personal message to me.

giiverson 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

之前已PO到P盟選秀球員的數據,所以這次PO不同觀點,話題是球隊是否重視球員,希望看完各位會有不同想法。PS. 以下是個人觀感><

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giiverson 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

預測前 先說我該如何預測吧

1. 該隊有球員退休

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今天有D盟Alpha Minneapolis Willmar Sulaxy和San Francisco Peacedoves的比賽


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giiverson 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

首創的Tony Hsieh是在第4季加入BD,不太熟悉BD環境,像是每天4Hr、跟人互動少,我會繼續玩幸好有支優良球隊收留我、獅隊!繼續玩的原因就是,我的第一季就奪冠,不愧是強權獅隊,讓我稍微驕傲一下><。

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D38 比賽結束

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未命名  D37 比賽結束

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